
what is Worship??? day 4

Psalm 40:3 NLT 

3 He has given me a new song to sing, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see what he has done and be amazed. They will put their trust in the Lord.

This is a cool way to look it.  It is from the message version.

Psalm 40:3 He taught me how to sing the latest God-song, a praise-song to our God.  More and more people are seeing this: they enter the mystery,  abandoning themselves to God.

     Abandoning themselves to God, WOW!!!  Can you say that you are abandoned to God? Abandoned means to be Deserted; forsaken or to be Exuberantly enthusiastic, Recklessly unrestrained.  If we are abandoned to God we have deserted/forsaken ourselves (our old selves), we would become enthusiastic for God, and we would be recklessly unrestrained.  Those are some powerful words, aren’t they?  If we abandon ourselves to God then our worship would become FRESH.  That brings us to point 3.

3. Worship must be Fresh and not Form.

     As we go through life God gives a new song to sing, a fresh song.  Meaning, that as we live, our life’s song sings different things to God.  No one wants to sing the same song every time they go to church, for the rest of their life.  I believe that we can keep our worship fresh and alive.  I believe that we need to keep our worship fresh.  

     Why do you think that it’s so hard for some people to change and experience new songs or experience a new style?  Think about it for a minute…..

     I believe it’s hard because change requires action.  It requires us to be active and not passive.  Worship is active and not passive!!!  Even when we are sitting down with our heads bowed, in our hearts, we are being active.  Change requires effort.  If I sing the same song 10 days in a row, chances are that the 10th day I can sing it without thinking about the text or its meaning.  It’s the same with driving a Manual or stick-shift vehicle.  After you do it for a while you don’t have to think about what you are doing, you just go through the motions= FORM.  

  New means CURRENT, the psalmist is reflecting on what God is doing in the present.  What is God doing in your life?  Are you singing the same old song you have always sung? or are you growing spiritually and have a new song to sing. 

    Has your recent worship been Fresh or has it been Form?  Just ask God to give you a NEW SONG to sing, believe me, HE CAN.    God Bless!!!!!!!  Love you all!!  



4 Responses to “what is Worship??? day 4”

  1. 1 Cheryl
    May 6, 2008 at 11:31 am

    Micah, it’s been several days since I visited your blog and decided today was the day to check in on you. What a blessing to read your thoughts on worship! You are very young in number of years but so very mature spiritually!! It never ceases to amaze me how you can make an analogy out of something so simple. You may be distant from us in miles but never far from our thoughts! We love you and Brandi so much and pray God’s very best for you both. BTW… I’m jealous about the Dove Awards!!! I know it was a little bit of heaven on earth! Love you!!

  2. May 6, 2008 at 11:41 am

    Thanks Cherlyl!!! We miss you guys!!! I got a pic of Logan the other day, with a fish, pretty neat. Thanks for your comments. Please tell everybody you know about my blog. Love you guys!!! God Bless, micah

  3. 3 Mom
    May 9, 2008 at 3:23 pm

    I sing the same songs that I have sung for many years but I THINK ABOUT THE WORDS! Worship IS active NOT passive. You’re right. It requires you to put youself aside, that’s why it’s called a sacrifice. You can sing a brand new song and not think about it. Every minute of every worhsip service it takes a conscious choice to keep your thoughts centered on Him.
    You’re right on Micah Heath.
    Lots of Love,

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May 2008